Experience that Matters.

Rob Wotton has spent decades in the private sector, breaking down silos, bringing communities together. He's brought that mindset to his role on the Snoqualmie City Council. It's the collective action that has made Highway 18 improvements a state priority. Now he's working with the cities of Carnation, Duvall, North Bend, and Snoqualmie to coordinate economic development efforts that honor our rich history that includes the first native inhabitants and help ensure a vibrant local economy.

Solving problems require both action and know-how. Rob has proven that more than any other elected official. He works with everyone regardless of political affiliations.

He hosted a number of public forums for affordable housing. Now he's leading a 25+ member task force, relentlessly working to find solutions across our communities.

He's determined we need real leadership confronting King County and the State of Washington.

Public safety is one of those. He's one of only eight city-elected leaders serving from 38 cities in King County on the Regional Law, Safety, and Justice Committee. While the county executive wants to walk away from public safety by closing jails and sending more problems into our neighborhoods, Rob advocates for better enforcement of the laws, supporting police officers to do the job they need to be doing, public defenders the resources they need, judges the ability to help prevent an escalation of crime, and the correction officers a safer place to work. He's ready to roll up his sleeves and get down to the business of taking care of our communities.