County Executive Proposes Closing KC Jail

Last updated on September 17, 2023

Photo Credit: Jessica Self

King County Executive Dow Constantine has twice proposed closing the King County Jail. First in 2020, and again in 2023. There is no plan to replace the jail. 1200 inmates returned to our communities.

Here’s another fact. The county has not added a single bed to our jail system in twenty years despite our county’s unprecedented growth.

Rob Wotton stands to keep our communities safe. As one of seven local leaders in 38 King County cities serving on the Regional Law, Safety, and Justice Committee, Rob is making sure we put safety of our families, schools, businesses, and neighborhoods first.

Here’s the article for the latest announcement from our county executive:

About the author  Rob Wotton

Local guy. Eagle Scout. Received degrees from two Tacoma universities. Former community advisor to a US Senator. Served on numerous boards. 24 year resident of Snoqualmie Valley.

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