Record of Accomplishments
Rob Wotton brings a record of real results.
Housing Affordability
Hosted Seven Affordable Housing Forums (2015, 2016 (2), 2017 (2), 2018, 2023).
Two City-Led Affordable Housing Projects Initiated
Organized recycling events to keep over 5 tons of electronics, metals, Styrofoam, and holiday lights out of the landfill.
Saved Jobs, Businesses
During the height of the Pandemic, tirelessly worked to assist 90 local businesses obtain $3 million in federal aid. Rob helped to save countless jobs and ensure businesses were able to continue after the government-mandated shut downs.
Economic Prosperity
When businesses desperately needed to hire to keep their doors open, Rob created the hyper-local jobs board, In 2023, over ten thousand jobseekers and 125 employers participated, and scores of positions were filled.
Transportation Solutions
As a Snoqualmie Economic Development Commissioner, Rob changed the trajectory on SR18 improvements. In 2014, he helped to elevate Highway 18 improvements to be a top city priority, and later one of the most critical state transportation priority through a bi-partisan effort and multi-year collaboration.
Bringing People Together
Over ten years experience hosting over 150 meetings to spur entrepreneurship, explore housing solutions, and tackle other public policy challenges including aging in place, transportation, and social services.
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